Qt has two different toolkits for creating GUIs. One is the classical widgets as we know from the beginning. It is stable, which also means it is effectively in maintenance state. Another is QtQuick/Qml, with v1 appearing in Qt4.7 and v2 in Qt5 with a complete overhaul in the backend. QtQuick/Qml promotes a new, descriptive programming paradigm. This leads to simple signal/slots/property...
A brief update on new features in PyDM (Python Display Manager), and the roadmap for future work.
At the CLS, Beamline Scientists often ask for simple EPICS screens, or temporary screens for one time tasks. This talk presents and demonstrates a simple Rapid Screen Builder for EPICS with the goal that any Beamline Scientist can quickly create a simple screen in minutes, if not seconds, with no programming whatsoever. The Screen Builder presented here is just a simple prototype, developed...
pySTXM is a data collection application for STXM beamlines that attempts to use UI idea’s borrowed from Adobe Photoshop and Blender to create a user interface that facilitates learning and decreased data collection time by reducing users ability to make mistakes that waste “shutter time” during the average beamline shift. Among its features are tools for interactive user/data experience, an...
An update from the CS-Studio and Phoebus collaboration about recent developments in the core framework and the various applications and tools built on it.